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Print this pageForward this document  Preferences - DT FileCabinet


You can choose to use or not use DT FileCabinet when using DT Max. Note: To use DT FileCabinet, you must have it installed with an up-to-date licence.

If you choose to use DT FileCabinet, you must then decide whether you wish to have DT FileCabinet send documents to DT Client Portal. If you choose "yes", you will have the option when printing of sending documents to "both DT FileCabinet and DT Client Portal". This option has the same effect as if you had gone into DT FileCabinet, manually designated the drawer (client) as a contributor to DT Client Portal, and manually marked the document for transmission to DT Client Portal. Keep in mind that even if you choose "yes", you can always select a different option at print time.

DT FileCabinet data location

If you have more than one DT FileCabinet database, you can specify the data location that you wish to have preselected for you when you print to DT FileCabinet. You should choose the data location that you will be using the most often. Note: It is always possible to select a different data location at print time.

Document naming

This setting controls the default document name. For example, the "office copy" destination will have a default DT FileCabinet name of "Office copy". If you wish, you can have the current date appended to the document name. Keep in mind that the document name can always be changed at print time.

Documents to send

You can send any DT Max printing destination to DT FileCabinet. Generally, it is recommended that the "Office copy" be sent, but it can be configured however you wish. If you will also be using DT Client Portal, it is recommended that the "Client copy" be sent as well. Note: The documents that DT FileCabinet actually sends to DT Client Portal are configured in DT Filecabinet (for more information, see the DT FileCabinet page).

Printing statuses

If you would like the printing statuses in the "Printing destinations" section of the "Status information" window updated when printing to DT FileCabinet, select "Yes". This would generally be appropriate if you have a paperless office that prints only to DT FileCabinet, or if you always print to both the printer and DT FileCabinet at the same time. Otherwise, select "No", and the printing destinations will only be updated when printing to the printer.

NOTE: If this preference is set to "Yes", and you override which destinations are sent to DT FileCabinet at print time, the printing statuses of the original destinations will be updated, even if you choose not to print to all of them.

Client information to export

You can choose to include the client's SIN, email address, both, or neither whenever DT Max creates a new client in DT FileCabinet.

Client management

If you choose "Yes" or "Always ask me", DT Max will automatically create a drawer (client) in DT FileCabinet whenever you add a new client in DT Max. Note: This does not apply to clients created via cloning.

Warning: For tax years before 2012, changes to the preferences are not permanent. Any changes you make will only remain in effect until DT Max is restarted, which includes restarting the program, changing tax years, and changing languages.

October 24, 2012